
Mise-En-Scene: Stranger Things

Costume: The character at the start is wearing a lab costume, we can infer that he works in a lab or he is a scientist. Lightning: At the start of the film we can see that the lights were going on and off which might indicate that it's a horror movie. Actor Placement: The film was very fast-paced and a lot happened in the 8 minutes. Make-Up: The characters had the right sort of make-up such as the scientist, he had the right costume for a person who works at a lab. Props: The characters wore the right costumes for the film such as the scientist he wore a lab costume which shows that he is a scientist. Setting: The house of the boy looked very haunted and abandoned, this shows that he lives in quite a horror and scary place.

Denotation And Connotation

  The phrase " Dig Toilet Not Graves " shows that they don't have much toilets and we can infer that they're living in poverty. We can also see in the background that there is a quite poor-looking house. We can also see the child on the picture shows that he's one of the people suffering with poverty and it would also be a good idea to put a child on an advertise for donation as people would feel sympathy for the child.

Homework - Poster Analysis

  Language - The language of this poster is showing that the people in this Movie are ready to fight. From this we can infer that this is an action movie. Institution - The institution of this movie is Marvel Studios. From this we can infer that this would be a nice action and adventurous movie. Audience - The audience of this movie would most likely watch this movie as Marvel Studios has always made great movies. This isn’t the only reason why they’d watch this movie, they would also watch it as if they saw the poster they would find more interest in watching this movie. Representation - In this movie we can see many things it represents. An example of this would be Chadwick Boseman right at the top as he’s the main character of this movie. The place where a character is put is very important as it basically shows who’s more higher ranked than other characters.

Introduction To Photoshop - Fruit Bowl
